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Source code documentation


The source can be found here.

These files contain the source code documentation, meaning documentation about public and private functions or classes, variables and more.


Name Type Description Rust source code Contains "links" to dependencies of Rust source code Main source code file, combines lexer, parser, compiler and VM and loads CLI arguments
Compiler/ Rust source code Compiles the AST given by the parser
Compiler/ Rust source code File allowing to be imported everywhere
Grammar/fileextensions File extension list File extensions allowed for I Language files
Grammar/grammar.pest Pest grammar specification Grammar for the language
Grammar/ Rust source code Reads the grammar.pest file and processes it
Grammar/ Rust source code File allowing to be imported everywhere
Installer/Linux/installer.bash Bash script Linux command line installer
Installer/Windows/add_desktop_icon.bat Batch script Adds a desktop shortcut
Installer/Windows/add_to_path.bat Batch script Adds a path to the variable PATH.
Installer/Windows/associate_file_extension.bat Batch script Associates .il with the I language compiler
Installer/Windows/setup.iss Inno setup file Configures inno setup to make a windows GUI installer
Installer/Windows/unassociate_file_extension.bat Batch script Unassociates .il with the I language compiler
Installer/Windows/Server/installer.bat Batch script Windows command line installer
Lexer/ Rust source code Lexes the code given
Lexer/ Rust source code File allowing to be imported everywhere
Parser/ Rust source code File allowing to be imported everywhere
Parser/ Rust source code Parses the lexer output into an AST

Last update: 2024-02-20